Video Marketing Tips Guaranteed To Help Your Business Succeed

Video marketing can be tricky, but we have some tips that will help your business grow!

The first tip I have is to use video to tell your customers' story with your business as the guide. Over the past few years it’s been proven that making videos that tell your customers story is the more effective route. So by making a simple 60 second video, you can talk about what your customer wants, the problem that stands in their way, how you can fix that problem, and the potential amazing outcome that’s waiting for them on the other side. Now you’re making a video that makes your audience sit up and pay attention.

The 2nd video marketing tip I want to bring up today is emphasizing People over business. In today's fake social media world, people really value true authenticity and showing real people. Of course the level in which you’ll be able to do this will depend on the industry that you’re in. Some industries naturally have to be more professional than others, but there is a way to find that balance between personality and professionalism. 

And I would be willing to bet, even if you’re in an industry that's a bit more buttoned up, you can probably get a little more personal than you think you can. Okay so how do you actually do this? Well when you’re talking to the camera, act like you’re talking to a friend rather than just a faceless audience of customers. You can still accomplish this if you script your videos. We make scripted videos for clients all the time, we even use a teleprompter here on this channel but the trick is to script it in the language that you speak in. Don’t write it like a college essay just write the words that you would actually say naturally. You can still demonstrate authority while making your video relatable at the same time. And if you do that, you’ll connect more with your potential customers which will make them like you more. And at the end of the day, that’s a huge motivational factor, people want to work or buy from people they like, rather than stuffy businesses. 

The 3rd tip I’ll bring up today is to create custom welcome videos. Let’s say you have a website that exists mostly to schedule meetings and consultations. You can use simple custom videos to increase the show up rates for those appointments and build loyalty and trust right up front for  very little effort. Imagine if someone were to schedule a consultation on your site and then a few minutes later they get an email with a video in it, that’s welcoming them to your world by name. This sets the stage immediately that they're going to have an amazing customer experience with you and your business.

Well, there you have it, those are 3 video marketing tips that will help your business grow and succeed! If you have any further questions we’d love to hear from you! 


Video Marketing Tips Guaranteed To Help Your Business Succeed


Best Video Ideas For Small Businesses | Business Content Creation